Parenting Resources for Ages 11 Years to 18 Years


Parenting is a rollercoaster ride with its fair share of challenges.  Many of us lack formal training to navigate these ups and downs.  Dr. Lindsay is here to ensure you and your child have the best possible experience.  Explore how the 5 C's can improve your communication with your young child, establish consistency in your parenting approach and their daily routine, and effectively use age-appropriate consequences to guide their behavior.  Start your parenting journey with the free resources available below.


Test Your Screen Time Savvy In This 2 Min Quiz


Learn How Much Screen Time Is OK For Your Child


How To Hold A Successful Family Meeting


Take Control Of Your Family’s Weekend Schedule


Top Posts For Age 11 Years to 18 Years

Unconditional Positive Regard: The Key to Showing Your Child You Love Them Even When They Make Mistakes

Learn this essential component of my parenting philosophy and how to actually use it every day with your children.

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Why Consistent Bedtimes are Important at All Ages

Learn why it's so important to get your kids to bed early - even big kids!


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The Power of Apologizing to Your Kids: Strengthening the Parent-Child Connection

Learn how to turn a challenging parenting moment into a positive learning and bonding experience.

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Check Yourself: Are You an Intentional Parent?

Learn how to develop your parenting philosophy, set goals for your family, and establish a framework for helping your family achieve those goals.

Read/Watch/Listen Now

Building Healthy Eating Habits: How to Foster a Positive Relationship with Food in Your Children

Learn how you can teach your child to listen to their body to develop a healthy lifelong relationship with food.

Read/Watch/Listen Now

Family Meeting 101: Setting the Stage for a Successful Year Ahead

Learn how to harness the power of a successful family meeting to make a change in your family's routine at the start of the New Year.

Read/Watch/Listen Now
View More Posts for Ages 11 Years to 18 Years

Please note, Parenting With Psychology™ does not offer therapy services by providing this website and your use of this website does not serve as a therapist-patient or other treatment relationship between you and Parenting With Psychology or Dr. Lindsay.  Dr. Lindsay is a therapist, but she is not your therapist.  Please see the Terms of Use for more information.

Select a different age group below to learn more about the 5 C’s and continue building your parenting tool kit.

Ages 0 to 6 months


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Ages 6 months to 5 years


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Ages 5 years to 11 years


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Ages 11 years to 18 years


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